
Small Business Spotlight: The Dancing Birth

Small Business Spotlight: The Dancing Birth


For Moms|Small Business

Ana Piera | Small Business Owner | The Dancing Birth | QiDZ | Kids Activities in DubaiSamantha Armstrong & Jamie Armstrong, Birth Preparation & Hypnobirthing Instructor Ana Piera, Photographer Paula Scherson

During this time (and always!) it is so important to support local and the small business in our communities. Plus it’s great for the economy too! We are constantly inspired by the ambition and resilience of small business founders. We feel that the risks that they take lead to innovation and help in moving the world forward.

Inspired by these entrepreneurs and their stories, we recently chatted with Ana Piera – owner of The Dancing Birth, about being entrepreneurs, running a small business while also running a family, and how they have adapted to the changes that Covid-19 has brought to their business.

What is your business about and why did you start it?

The Dancing Birth is dedicated to provide parents with the right preparation and support during pregnancy, birth and postnatal journey. The aim is for couples to have a more positive experience in waiting and welcoming their baby.

I´m a certified on childbirth preparation, Hypnobirthing education, doula and breastfeeding counselor.

I´m a former marketing professional and mother of three that discovered the wonders of hypnobirthing with the birth of my third child. I decided for a different career path to support women to experience a more calm, confident and in control birth experience.

I became passionate about hypnobirthing, encouraging and helping women, couples and healthcare professionals to explore ways to have more natural, relaxed and comfortable deliveries using The Wise Hippo birthing programme.

Hypnobirthing provides useful information about the physiology of birth and relaxing techniques to support women during this process. Some of these techniques are breathing, pregnancy and birth positions, massage, movement, understanding the birth hormones, setting up the right environment, birth partner role, birth plan, how to ask questions to the medical team to make informed decisions, etc.

The birth partner gets prepared to support mothers more effectively during birth with a toolbox of techniques. These techniques are very beneficial no matter what path the birth takes or what are the birth preferences.

“When women learn how to release fears using simple techniques, they remain relaxed and in control and better birth outcomes are achieved, both physically and emotionally”

The Dancing Birth | QiDZ | Kids Activities in Dubai

Samantha Armstrong & Jamie Armstrong, Birth Preparation & Hypnobirthing Instructor Ana Piera, Photographer Paula Scherson

What do you love about your business?

I love the interaction with the expecting mothers and dads during my classes! They then can contact me anytime via phone, WhatsApp, online or sometimes we meet one to one with all the healthy measures in place.

The relationship with (my) parents starts from day 1, I take them through every step in the process of expecting the baby, during pregnancy, birth and after. We create such a beautiful relationship, we remain in touch afterwards and I treasure that bond very much.

The best feeling is when couples tell me about how empowering and positive their birth experience was.

How do you manage your time between running a business and a family?

It´s very important to separate the two as much as possible. It´s not always easy but what is working for me is to have a schedule. I include working hours, children and family, gym time, and some fun time. For everything to happen I need to pencil it in my agenda and stick to it.

For example, in the morning I wake up 2 hours before my children do to start the day with some time alone. During these 2 hours I do meditation, have a nice coffee, and I get some work done.

My husband has been amazing since day one. Always very supportive and we take turns to be with the children. When I have my online classes in the evening time, he will take the children to the park so I can have my classes without noises in the background.

Small Business | The Dancing Birth | QiDZ | Kids Activities in Dubai

Samantha Armstrong & Jamie Armstrong, Birth Preparation & Hypnobirthing Instructor Ana Piera, Photographer Paula Scherson

How has Covid-19 affected your business and how have you adapted?

Yes, since March 2020 I´m having all my birth preparation and Hypnobirthing classes online and live via zoom. I had to adapt all my materials to the online classes. I demonstrate all the techniques and activities myself and use a model, videos, and other materials, and look for the interaction with the couple for them to have fun while they are learning.

I’ve also supported a couple as a doula during the birth of their second baby virtually via zoom during the lock down and it was such a beautiful experience.


Any piece of advice to other small businesses owners or anyone wanting to start their own business?

Having my own business has been the most rewarding and challenging experience. I do what I love and I have so much fun with it.

I can manage my own time, new projects, I get to know amazing couples every month and I build nice relationships with them for life.

However, sometimes I need to place extra focus with new customer acquisition. As I teach a new Hypnobirthing group every month. Some expecting couples are not aware of what is Hypnobirthing so I organize pre-sessions to explain it to them. I even didn´t know myself before I did it and it completely changed my life.

I can provide 3 main advices that have worked good for me:

The first is to have a business plan and goals per year! This is going to help you continue focus and continue planning on what you need to do to get there.

The second is asking for help if you need it with the different areas of the business: finance, marketing, etc. for instance I never had the time to build my own website www.thedancingbirth.com and I asked for professional help and I´m very happy with the outcome.

Third, find a balance between your work and your own personal schedule. If you are good with your daily diet, sleeping hours, work-out time, and things that make you happy, you will be more effective and passionate about what you do every day for living.

Find out more here and follow The Dancing Birth on Instagram!


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