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Discover ancient Egypt's treasures during your visit to Luxor and take a tour at one of the most famous Egyptian temple ruins" Luxor Temple", which is located around three kilometers to the south of Karnak Temple, to which it was once linked with a processional way bordered with sphinxes. The core of the temple was built by Amenhotep II. One of the inner rooms contains a series of scenes that are known as the Divine Birth. The core of the temple is preceded by a columned hall fronted by a courtyard with columns around its perimeter. Amenhotep III also built the Great Colonnade, which consists of two rows of seven colossal columns. Its decorations, most notably the scenes depicting the Opet Festival, were completed by Tutankhamun and Horemheb. Also, Ramesses II made many additions to Luxor Temple. In front of the Great Colonnade, he built a peristyle courtyard and a massive pylon, a gate with two towers that formed the entrance into temples. In addition to many colossal statues.