Cognitive Assessments at ABC Center
ABC Diagnostic & Learning Center offer the best special education services to meet the unique requirements of each individual child. The center is the first multi-educational service center of its kinds in Riyadh, working with international programs and centers to offer the best standard programs. They count with a secure, well-equipped, and spacious setting, and offer educational resources that are suitable for different developmental stages. Additionally, ABC Diagnostic and Learning Center selects their therapists and teachers based on their commitment and love of the classroom. They believe that for there to be quality learning, every kid has to feel safe and happy. Their main goal is to create a community where staff and students are inspired to give their best efforts.
1 Woodcock-Johnson IV Assessment at ABC Center
Ticket valid for 1 person, from 2-9 years old, for 1 Woodcock-Johnson IV Assessment to help identify learning difficulties & improve instructional outcomes. The assessment is comprised of 3 batteries: test of achievement (standard and extended), test of cognitive abilities (standard and extended), and oral language test. Please call +966 55 255 2880 after purchasing your ticket for information and booking appointment .
1 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (5th UK Edition) at ABC Center
Ticket valid for 1 person, from 6-16 years old, for 1 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (5th UK Edition) to measure a child's intellectual ability and 5 cognitive domains that impact performance. Please call +966 55 255 2880 after purchasing your ticket for information and booking appointment .
1 Wechsler Preschool & Primary Scale of Intelligence (4th Edition) at ABC Center
Ticket valid for 1 person, from 2-7 years old, for 1 Wechsler Preschool & Primary Scale of Intelligence (4th Edition) - an innovative measure of cognitive development for preschoolers and young children, rooted in contemporary theory and research. Please call +966 55 255 2880 after purchasing your ticket for information and booking appointment