QiDZ at Home: 6 Awesome Animal Live Cams From Around the World!
We’ve collected some more great animal live cams for your entertainment! These are from zoos and aquariums around the world to keep you all learning. You’ll be able to rediscover the beauty of these amazing creatures and truly appreciate them. Check out our favorite animal live cams below:
Monetery Bay Aquarium Live Shark Cams:
Watch HERE
This underwater live cam is incredible! You’ll get to see these amazing sharks lurking and swimming along. It’s quite a site to see!
Kansas City Zoo, Emperor Penguins:
Watch HERE
Check out these adorable emperor penguins waddle around! Personally, I think penguins are so adorable!! I can spend hours watching this.
Smithsonian National Zoo, Giant Panda cam:
Watch HERE
A close second favorite is pandas! Have fun watching these friendly giants…either eat..or sleep! Those are their favorite things to do! And scratch their backs – hmm sounds a bit familiar.
Live Bald Eagle Nest Cam- the American Eagle Foundation- they have 2 new eaglets!
Watch HERE!
Watch these majestic creatures with their little babies! Eaglets are incredibly cute – here you’ll get to see mama at work! A mothers job never ends.
Snow Leopard Cub at The Melbourne Zoo, Australia:
Watch HERE
Any type of baby is adorable – but snow leopard babies? SO cute! You’re going to cry from how cute they are if you watch this animal live cam!
Lion cam at The Melbourne Zoo, Australia:
Watch HERE
Watch the king of the jungle – be the king! Have you seen anything more majestic? Lions are incredible animals – you will truly be able to appreciate these beautiful creatures here.
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Also check out: 10 Virtual World Adventures to Embark on!
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