Parent Support With Mindful ME: Family Life, How To Create A Balance
Expert Advice|For Moms|Lifestyle|Little Kid|Parenting|Teens|Toddler
Contributed by expert contributor: Joanne Jewell, Mindful Parenting Expert From Mindful ME
See Simona’s questions below:

Joanne’s Top Tips For Simona
“I will want to take away your pain, but instead I will sit with you and teach you how to feel it”.
- When we allow children to struggle, we acknowledge how tough it is and we sit in the difficulty with them but don’t rescue them from it, this way we give them the opportunity to develop resilience.
- Try not to jump in too quickly and focus on helping her to calm down; then let her think of her own solutions before suggesting yours.
- Keep the focus on supporting emotional regulation rather than logical solutions.
I don’t believe that quality time is a specific time slot.
To me quality time is just purely the practice of being present with our children for whatever is happening – this could be something nice, something boring, or even something difficult.
The key here is that we are emotionally present and able to accept what is happening rather than trying to change it or reach for perfect
Try to do a little bit less, focus on what is important, and let go of a few things so that there is more time for just being rather than doing all the time.
Joanne is a Mindful Parenting expert, couples and individual therapist who has worked with parents and children in schools and privately in Dubai for the past 15 years.
UK qualified, Joanne offers private online & workshop sessions to support parents on a range of topics. Check out Joanne’s upcoming online weekly workshops on QiDZ here as well as details for how to reach her for a private online consultation. You can also find more information on:
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